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Dramatic footage has emerged of a Citybus double-decker careering through red lights on Connaught Road West and smashing into a luxury seven-seater car without slowing down or stopping.

The crash, classed by police as a hit-and-run, happened at lunchtime on 15 February outside Western Market and injured four people, including an 80-year-old man and an 81 year-old woman.

According to footage, widely shared on social media, the 60-year-old driver of the 5B, headed to Hong Kong Stadium, drove at speed through the red light and smashed into the white seven-seater turning into Connaught Road West from Morrison Street. Multiple witnesses claim the bus driver then continued driving with a cracked windscreen and bus parts left in the road.

Police were called and classed the case as a hit-and-run, eventually catching up with the bus driver at Statue Square, Chater Road. Police say the driver had continued dropping off passengers from the damaged bus.

But although leaving the scene of a crash is a criminal offence, police say they have not arrested the bus driver.

CityBus says the driver has been suspended. “According to Citybus’s Bus Captain’s Handbook, when encountering a traffic accident involving personal injury or serious damage to the vehicle, the bus captain should immediately stop the vehicle at the accident site and not move the vehicle,” says a CityBus spokesman.

The firm says the driver was working on his third 5B trip between Kennedy Town and Hong Kong Stadium at the time of the crash, and that they will “fully cooperate with the police investigation”.

Police would not comment on why the bus driver had not been arrested.

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